Home Parks and Gardens in Greater Victoria

Parks and Gardens in Greater Victoria

Flowers at Beacon Hill Park

Victoria truly is a “City of Gardens.” Below is a list of some of the region’s most beautiful and famous parks, gardens and places in nature.

The parks are all free, as are some but not all of the gardens.


Victoria’s Parks & Gardens

Below is a list of gardens in Victoria including ones that are free and others with admission prices. Further below is a list of parks which are all free.


Victoria’s Gardens

For more information on the above gardens, click Victoria Gardens.


Yangtze River at Abkhazi Garden
Abkhazi Garden


Victoria’s Parks

Beautiful urban parks within an easy driving distance from the centre of town include the following:


Willows Beach Park in Spring
Willows Beach in Spring


Other Parks

National, provincial and regional parks further from town include the following:

For more details about the above parks, click Victoria Parks. To learn about places to camp, see our article about Greater Victoria Campgrounds.